Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The PHILISTINES are coming!

Before looking to the data collected in the various excavations of the last few years at Philistine sites, a brief review of the biblical presentation of the Philistines is in order. From the days of Joshua to those of Zechariah the prophet, the Philistines were generally viewed by the Israelites as “the enemy”. There are some exceptions to this portrayal, but these exceptions frequently haven’t been widely recognized because of the several different names biblical writers have used in reference to the people of Philistia. To begin then, what did the Old Testament writers mean when they wrote the word “Philistine”?

The goal of this work PHILISTINES : Giving Goliath His Due is to solve important questions such as ... Where did Goliath come from? Who were the Philistines? Were they as bad as the Bible claims? Here we divide Biblical myths from historical facts! Click HERE to read sample chapters from this work!

Prof. Neal Bierling began his archaeological dig adventures back in 1972 at Tel Gezer in Israel, directed by Joe Seger. Neal joined Gezer’s supervisory staff under Sy Gitin in 1973. In 1981, Neal was an assistant to Adam Zertal at Tel Lachish, a site directed by David Ussishkin. Neal joined Tel Miqne-Ekron’s staff for its initial summer season in 1984 and rose to Associate Field Archaeologist by 1996. Due to his work at Ekron, Neal was able to publish the excavation’s Volume VII, report of finds in Field X. It was during the 1996 season that a lengthy inscription was uncovered, which confirmed that Tel Miqne-Ekron was the Old Testament site of Ekron. Since Ekron, Neal worked at Petra, Jordan, Jordan’s most intriguing and exotic site and home to Esau’s tribe (Edom), followed by the Nabateans. Paul likely visited (and preached at) Petra, and in the 1990’s, Petra was even visited by Indiana Jones.

Philistines: Giving Goliath His Due

MPM 7:
Philistines: Giving Goliath His Due

by Prof. Neal Bierling
ISBN 0-9714683-4-6, $39.95 Cloth Bound
ISBN 0-9714683-5-4, $31.00 Paperback

Philistines provides a unique, up to the minute, view of the world of the biblical Philistines as glimpsed through the artful lens of a dedicated teacher and seasoned vocational archaeologist. It builds on the author's decades-long participation in excavation work at Philistine sites, his avid study of the biblical sources, and first-person contacts with the leading archaeologists and text scholars dealing with the subject. The text is authoritative and illuminating. Expanding on an earlier study, Giving Goliath His Due! (1991), Philistines: Giving Goliath His Due presents a new and fuller portrait of Philistine history and culture based on dramatic new discoveries made in the past ten years. This is a very readable work. It opens a window of understanding into the authentic world of the ancient Philistines, and provides broad view of their place in biblical history. The book is highly recommended fare for both scholars and lay readers with interests in biblical backgrounds.

Joe D. Seger,
Middle Eastern Archaeologist, Professor of Religion,
Director, Cobb Institute of Archaeology, Mississippi State University